

New transportation technology that makes
drinking water accessible worldwide

Global water crisis

Growing threat of drinking water shortages on worldwide scale

Nearly 25 % of Earth population (2,21 billion people) do not have access to safe fresh water
By 2030 up to 50% of the world population will be affected by severe drinking water shortages (UN)
80% of all health issues in developing countries are directly related to water quality

ICETECH - the most effective solution to the global problem of access to drinking water

ICETECH – is a high-tech transportation solution that delivers millions cubic meters of fresh water via single logistics channel

Icetech's solution


Creating an artificial iceberg naturally, in the freezing temperatures, using the water supplied by one of the purest rivers of North-Eastern Russia


Towing an iceberg by sea from the production location to the areas suffering from fresh water deficiency

Tearing down

Tearing down an iceberg converging it into pure drinking water without any need for further purification and filtration steps


Key advantage

Transporting volumes

Just one artificial iceberg with 8 mil tons cubic meters capacity could
provide Singapore with enough pure drinking water for 2 years *.
(Singapore population – 5,7 mln people Daily
consumption – 2 liters per person).

Far East of Russia

At water intake location, the water balance is maintained and preserved,
in fact, less than 3% of the river’s resources will be used when operating at
full capacity and less than 0.5% – at the project’s early stages.

The environmental effect from iceberg thawing is comparable to heavy rain
in terms of temperature and fresh water recharge.

The production complex suggests minimal CO2 emissions.

Iceberg membrane materials used for structural framing are recyclable and
could be utilized as water containers.

Fresh water quality

•Perfectly balanced chemical composition from a nutritional point of view.
• There are no manufacturing plants or factories within 1000 kilometers from the
water source.
• Ice-melted water enters into a chemical reaction in human cells at much
faster pace, thus bringing more benefits for the human body.

Energy efficiency. Using natural climate conditions for
water freezing and transporting:

freezing temperature is used to build an iceberg;
sea current directions and sea bottom topology;
iced water is thawed naturally by surrounding
high temperatures in the supplied regions.

Cost comparison with alternative project :

Low cost is the ICETECH advantage

25 mil. $

Total cost of establishing Icetech production cycle including the cost of creating and transporting an artificial iceberg weighing 8 mln tons.

80 bil. $

Estimated expenses to build water pipeline from Baikal to Western China.

International awards

MSME Chamber of Commerce and Industry of India
MSMECCII Greentech Asia 2020

MSME Chamber of Commerce and Industry of India

Order of the Peace Prize "PAX TECUM"

Worldwide Alliance Peacemeker, 2019



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